I can spot a Violation;
The Feeders aren't strapped!
[Linked Image] [Linked Image] [Linked Image]

Just joking around!

On the serious side;
The NM cables coming from the top KOs appear not to be strapped - unless they are stapled to the Shear Panel???
Also, the use of an Al. GEC is aproaching the "D'OHH" realm (MHO).
At least (unless my eyes are totally shot) the Panelboard is a Square D QO type - looks like 200 Amp 30/40.
Is it QO or HOM - or not even Square D!? (totally looks like Square D)

Let us know what the reaction is to the Non-Compliance notification regarding the Feeders (the Free-Air Feeders!).

You get an extra 100 Points if you say:
"Gotta Put 'Em In Corn-Duit!" when issuing / responding to the correctin list item.

One question:
Why didn't the EC / Installer just mount the Panelboard two stud bays over to the left, lower the Panel down about 12" - 24", and come into the back of the Enclosure with the Feeders and the Conduit run!
At least bring the feeder's duct more to the right.
As it is, the fix would be a pullbox, or unsightly (and shirt/pants catching) LB.

Next issue: Why no White Tape on the Grounded Conductor?!


Scott " 35 " Thompson
Just Say NO To Green Eggs And Ham!