I haven't been "here" as much as I would like to, time is scarce, etc.

An interesting thread, and some interesting replies.

Yes, I remember Virgil, his plight, and his causes, and I remember how a few guys here helped him out, against his wishes. I'll say again, as I said to Virgil privatley, it's a damn shame what he went through.

Sparky, it's good that you stop by here and vent, and it's tough to play on an uneven field.

With my AHJ hat on, I do my job, fair and impartial, and I do not believe in the 'old boys club'. Thankfully, those days are gone, and hopefully they will not return. Yes, we have EC's who 'cut corners', and think it's a game. Again thankfully, the majority so it right the first time, and take pride in the work. I haven't heard the 20 year line for a few weeks, but 'the other guy lets me do it this way' pops up occasionally.

Harold, let me know if you have a 'quiet' day, to have lunch! Vacation coverage is done (I hope) so I'm back to 2 days as AHJ and have some time W/F if that works.
(908-803-0407 cell), Please no telemarketers guys.

