I have never taken the block test. When we were tested, you registered in the City you wanted to have your base license. My base is Dallas, TX. They may have had a conspiracy at that time. I believe a block test is a good test. It gives everyone a equal opportunity to pass. If you do not pass a test, it does not mean you do know what you are doing.

Go into the test with a positive attitude, be calm, and take the test. If you do not pass,keep trying. I took the test, three times before passing. THREE TIMES! Keep up with the code changes. Electrical work is in the most part common sense. Safety first!

If you can go home and sleep at night knowing you did a good job, great!

FYI: Once you get the license, DO NOT LET THEM EXPIRE!

When I am retired and greeting people at a Walmart, I WILL STILL HAVE A CURRENT LICENSE!
