You might want to search out the "letter of the law", so to speak, there might still be something you, or he can do.

I had a simular issue with a guy that used to work under me for four years. He left, and went back to school to be an EE. Ran out of school money and had to get a job with flexible hours. And our old boss wouldn't sign for him to get his license, (Just because he didn't like the guy. Same guy wouldn't sign mine either, I had to go back to all of my old bosses. "So, you want to take all of my customers huh?", he said. Funny, I work for the guy again, maybe I should have stole his customers.) so I signed his... Still had to take the test like everyone else. And thats for CA contracting license. Just for Journeymans Card... Thats takin' food out of the guys mouth, thats not cool.

Mark Heller
"Well - I oughta....." -Jackie Gleason