"There is a few towns that are legally looking to get them out of town."

There's the problem.

Some folks think you solve problems with your attitude. That is, if your ego is bigger, you can push the other guy around. That if you argue and BS enough, problems are solved- to your liking.

I once had such a discussion with a gent regarding the help he was supposed to provide. I ended that with this statement: "The concrete is here. You see that pile? It is setting as we speak. Either you find bodies for shovels NOW, or you will have a very big lump of hard concrete sitting in the middle of your parking lot. Do you still want to waste time arguing?"

That's what ALL of our power grids are coming to. The 'lawyers' and 'activists' have done a wonderful job of obstructing everything the PoCo wants to do. Sooner or later, things WILL break - and no amount of clever talk will get power restored.

You make the PoCo limit their stores of spare parts, you restrict their manpower to absolute minimums, you deny them the money to make upgrades or to perform preventive maintenance - and one day you'll be without power, and have no one to blame but yourself.

Investing is 'alternative energy' might sound sexy, but it won't replace that rotting power pole.

I get the point about trees. Everyone plants them and then forgets them. Worse than that, they want to plant something that grows fast, because they want the shade NOW. When the branches get near the wires, suddenly it's the PoCo's fault / problem.

When your power is out, the linesmen are heros. Come summer, and we're back to the usual "PoCo is a bunch of crooks" mindset. Ever pause to think maybe WE are the problem?