
What does worthy have to do with it?

You're either doing good work or you're not. The license seems to have no relation to the quality of workmanship & the level of code compliance (this statement only applies to WV).

I remember inspecting 4 services for a master (grandfathered, don't you know)electrician (thank God he does not work in the trade any more, just on his own rental properties). None of the services passed the first try. All required extensive re-work. He missed things a 2nd year apprentice would know about. Finally, he quit using my services because I was too tough. I can think of 3 homeowners within a 5 minute ride of my house who can do a better job then that "master" & they don't even have an apprentice license.

Judging by the questions you ask & the statements you make, you're a pretty fair hand. At least you know what the questions should be, many in the trade in WV can't even get that far.

Enough of this screed. my blood pressure is going up.


Few things are harder to put up with than the annoyance of a good example.