Doc, are you an independant contractor? I hated working for someone. Did it for 10 years. I hated my life for a long time and was always looking for a reason to leave. One day my ex-employer gave me one. Moved to another state, worked for someone again, was miserable, hated life...
Moved back to my home state, worked for someone, hated life. Realized that some of us are meant to be employees and some of us are meant to be employers. Mine was the later. Started my own buisness, had tons of headaches but through it all, I wouldn't give it up for the world. I create my own time to spend with my family, I am always challenged, not by electrical problems but by buisness problems. It's a whole new learning experience for me. I enjoy that!
Need that!
This is not the remedy for life but maybe a leap of faith wouldn't be a bad idea. Take a challenge that you would not normally take. Get exited over what you are doing. If you can't, do something else. Life is too short to be sad or miserable. Pave your own way and don't let anyone tell you you can't...