Dear all!
I was really amazed what a wonderful crowd can come together in a simple site of the internet. Tho I'm not in the electric business, I like to reat these topics.
I am a secretary, and I've found I've had so many questions in my last ten or so years, and always was thankful for everyone that helped me. It wasn't easy for some people still think that a job of an assistant is to make coffee (no problems there) and pick up phones. But I've had more questions in my life than I would ever imagine.
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So I decided if you have this great site to discuss your toughts, problems, why can't we have one, secretaries of the world?
So I have to learn now some more programming and I'll start my own help-site as to be the assistant of assistants.
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Wish me luck, and thank you for all the kindness and laugh, and for the idea too.
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Uhh, edited, cause I've forgot to check the -send e-mail if answered...- box.
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[This message has been edited by Gloria (edited 11-25-2004).]