Interesting. So the back emf creates a large enough field to pull the mag back in, thus restarting the motor, but with the line now at a different point in the wave, collapses the field and creating it the opposing direction dropping the mag back out, only to repeat. Seems like a surge arrestor on the load side would take of this.

Please pardon my ignorance, but it seems like the field collapse would not care to much what the coil was rated on the mag. The chattering that I've come across were all back feed problems that occurred on the line side of things, not sure if surge suppression was installed. It also seems like a transient suppresion module on the mag would coil would also take care of this (Square D class 9999 ST1).

Thanks for taking the time to educate me.


PS. The server issues - a 3 week old (That is in production, 2 months before of running and testing before trusting) raid system in catastrophic data failure, with all hardware reporting all is well. The issues really started coming in after I signed off this morning.