I found my mistake. I was missing a hall way that was included in my question. I talked to the one who made up the test and it seems that my understanding of 220-4b ( 99 code) is wrong or his is wrong. The correct answer for this questions was determined by adding total wattage of the lamps.
The question states:
What is the load on circuit 5 in panel LP-1? You then have to go to LP-1 to see what is on the circuit, which is flourescent lighting. Then go to the different fixture schedule to see what the bulb wattage in each of the fixtures is. Is this question and answer according to the code??
( 1999 code )
220-4b: For circuits supplying lighting units that have ballasts, transformers, or autotransformers, the computed load shall be based on the total ampere ratings of such units and not on the total watts of the lamps.