I had an inspector "gig" my hot tub disco because it was not insight of those that were sitting in the hot tub!!! [Linked Image]
The hot tub was/is located in a "kick-out" section of the pool deck and the disco was mounted on the pool wall so that if one were sitting in the tub, the disco would not be in sight but if one were working on the equipment with the front panel of the tub removed, the disco would be staring you in the face if you glanced to your left.
No matter how hard I tried to explain to her that the intent of the disco was for the safety of the person working on the tub and not for the person using the tub, she would not budge. Talk about stubborn and bull-headed.
To get the occupancy permit, I simply exchanged the disco for a 6X6 PVC junction box and extended a piece of pipe up to above the pool wall where I mounted the disco so it could be seen by those enjoying a soak in the hot tub. The dang thing looked like a periscope! Once the final inspection was obtained, I located the disco back to its original state. The GC was happy to compensate me for the time and materials to get the final CO. Talk about jumping through hoops to accomodate a bull headed inspector...sheesh! [Linked Image]

[This message has been edited by Coastal (edited 01-12-2005).]