The only thing I don't think I have expressed clearly enough is the fact that there are two separate MDP's.

Each MDP has a parallel set of 350's.

So I have two locations where the grounded conductor is in the main (separate)disconnects.

For a simpler visual but same arrangement, imagine a regular 120/240, 1 phase, 100a single family dwelling, overhead service with a single meter on the rear of the house and the panel immediatley inside the house.

Now imagine this same system twice, placed right next to one another.

1st, is this one service or two?

2nd, if one service, which panel do I attach the GEC to? Panel#1 or #2?

I want to ask a couple other things, but lets start with these two questions.

Thanks for hanging in there with my question, it is a real situation I am currently trying to deal with.