thank you sabrown,

know that, i'm wiring these places to code with a 100A panel w/100a main per 230.79(C)

the last one has 3 baths,i do dedicated circuits to all... the receptacles are placed per 210.52, all follows code as close as possible.....

there are no single family inspections here, not even an occupancy permit,no AHJ.... anything goes.... you can live like the farm animals here.
(which i suspect is how the 'lobbyist'famers prefer things.....)

so...i've done my part....right?

i have not supplied or installed any 'utility' here, nor have i had a hand in it.....

what burns me up is this 'alternative' energy faction whom are setting up shop in my state are taking advantage of our lax laws.

they simply do what they wish, no NEC need apply.....boneheads , the lot of them!