250 Grounding electrode system

1. Metal UG water pipe, Metal Bldg Frame, Concrete encased electrodes, and ground rings are not "Made Electrodes".

2. Only if one of the electrodes in #1 isn't available is a made electrode to be used.
Exception: a sole Metal UG water pipe must be supplemented with an additional electrode (either mentioned in #1 or a made electrode).

3. If solely, a single made electrode is used
must you meet the 25 ohm rule.

4. If a single electrode doesn't meet the 25 ohm rule it can be augmented by one of the electrodes mentioned in #1 or an additional made electrode placed at least 6 ft from the first made electrode.

5. If the electrodes mentioned in #1 are on the premise along with a made electrode and they are not bonded, you are in violation anyway. So, when you bond it properly, you will be using an electrode mentioned in #1, therefore you will not be required to meet the 25 ohm rule. Or remove the made electrode and you're back to no 25 ohm requirement.

6. Assuming there wasn't an electrode mentioned in #1 and you were using 1 made electrode only you must meet the 25 ohm test.

7. If using 2 made electrodes at least 6 ft apart you are not required to meet the test.

It kinda seems like a circle jerk

I added up time and effort long ago and now stick with 1 made rod & metal water pipe. It works every time.
My material and labor is consistent every job and no greif.

[This message has been edited by TE (edited 08-28-2002).]