We pick up the Dining room and nook area before hitting the kitchen GFCIs. We also are allowed to hit the Fridge, off a kitchen circuit.
It became much clearer with George's post ...
"The code does not require that the number of recepts be balanced. It requires that the load be balanced.

You can do the first as an electrictian.

Only the user can do the second"

And I know alot of people pull seperate HR for the fridge. Don't tell me, tell most of Michigan.
And Dude123084, you would never GFI protect a fridge.
And whats "i always try to keep the 2 kitchen circuits on the same hot leg, unless i can't because i have to keep all the circuits balanced." mean? Same hot leg? You must mean something else. 2 circuits having the same hot leg would be a double fed circuit. Only thing I can make out you meant was you try to keep the 2 circuits on the same 'phase' but ..heh.. no way ya meant that.