I mean no offense but if your not familiar with the fire alarm codes and standard procedures you really should not be the one doing the programing.

We have the people who supply the system do the programing. A small mistake in programing can result in a system that does not work as it should.

The device needed to interface the addressable loop and dry contacts is usually referred to as a 'monitor module' but each maker calls them different names.

Like all things electrical there are many ways to get it done.

Lately we install separate modules (address's) for each flow and each tamper, that way you can get very specific info on the display screen.

For example

ALARM Sprinkler Flow South Stair Floor 2


SUPERVISORY Tamper South Stair Floor 2

By the way, Siemens for instance sells a dual address monitor module which is perfect for one flow and one tamper. I am not sure if Edwards makes a dual unit.

You also will likely need output modules to control things like elevator recall and or smoke evac systems.

Good luck and keep asking questions, I like fire alarm work, it is a nice break from lights and plugs.

[This message has been edited by iwire (edited 11-26-2006).]

Bob Badger
Construction & Maintenance Electrician