I got my radiators back, and gave them to the neighborhood scrap guy. He is an honest guy who makes a few bucks hauling away old appliances free of charge, pays to get fridges drained of freon, and scraps pretty much every material from them. I'd rather he get them and me not have to pay to have them hauled away rather than stoners getting more drug money.

Same here. If we (or my one neighbors) have an appliance that the garbage men won't take, I find him. I usually catch the guy at the corner convienience store. The local trash men won't take refridgerators or air conditioners, even w/o freon, for example. Go talk to him, and his Ford F250 is at my house in about 3 minutes. That A/C, fridge, stove, dryer, washer, water heater, whatever is on the back of his truck. I've never seen him with big copper before. If the appliance is too small for him (say a stand fan), I snap the cord off and gut it for whatever I think I can use (motors, switches, etc.) Why snap the cord? Because the local druggies always snap them off for crack money. (For cryin' out loud! There ain't that much copper in an 18AWG TV cord!)

On the other hand, whenever there's a trailer around here to be demolished, there's an older couple in a falling-in-two Ford Ranger, running through with a hammer and a pair of wire cutters (seriously!)

Ian A.

[This message has been edited by Theelectrikid (edited 09-30-2006).]

Is there anyone on board who knows how to fly a plane?