Brian, here in Washington we have what is called the Administrators license, which is about the same as your Masters. Our test is an 8 hour ordeal divided into four tests. Theory, state and federal regs, general knowledge, and electrical calculations. For the general and theory a journeymans test book works. For the regs you just have to study the books the state and feds provide. For the calculations I used Tom Henry's "Calculations for the electrical Exam". Stallcup and Holt's books are good also although Henry's book seemed to be somewhat, for me, easier to get a hold of. Do not buy the ARCO stuff as they are not well organized or written. Go over and over the books until you are getting 95% or so on the self exams. Then the test will not be too bad. Here in Washington only about a dozen people a year are able to pass the first time. So most people consider the first time a "throw away" to to learn what to expect. Good luck.