Ogre, your posts bring up a whole bunch of issues. Since this forum is seen by literally thousands of folks, I will make my remarks general- so please don't take them personally.

With aluminum wiring, you're stuck between a rock and a hard place. Your only real option is to use al-rated devices. If the style you like isn't available, then it simply isn't available. Instal them using the screws or pressure plates- and not the 'back-stab' (if they have them). Use plenty of anti-oxidant paste, working it into the wire with a 'scotch-brite' or fine steel wool. Then take care to tighten to just the right amount...not too much, not too little. This is one time to use a torque driver.

It's that- or a complete re-wire.

The purple wire nuts are "approved" only by the guy selling them. The "UL" listing of them is, according to UL, being mis-represented, and they are not rated for attaching copper to aluminum.

As for learning the trade....it sounds like you are in that very dangerous zone where you have enough experience to get into trouble, but not enough to realize just how little you've seen of the trade. Let me put it this way : after completing the 5-yr 'wireman' apprenticeship, and getting your journeyman card, you're in a position to start learning!

Running wire in a new house is a whole different thing from service work. Or control work. Or Data. Or....

Finally...here's what they DON'T teach you while you're learning the trade:
There are reasons for licenses, permits, and bond requirements. Among them is protecting YOU from the unscruplous customer.
Indeed, dealing with the customer, and running a business, is entirely different from practicing the trade. You only THINK you've dealt with the customer; they can become completely different folks once the job is completed!

Chances are, this customer is no fool. He's already spoken with some real contractors, and been given the bad news. Now he's trying to be clever, take some short-cuts, and looking for some sap totake advantage of. These worms can appear to be the sweetest little old ladies- but under that blue hair lies a shark!

Sometimes you just have to walk away from a job. This is one of those times.

Besides- you'll be doing them a real favor. With a house that old, and a customer who hires handymen, there are sure to be all sorts of other problems for the unwary. I wouldn't put it past the customer to know this- and be hoping to blame these other things on you!

Correction: don't walk away- RUN!