Spark Master Flash, I have a feeing that I agree with you regarding the "off-topic" parts of your post, but I am appalled that you would even consider defending this jerk offering these instructions for this cord set.
Yes, I have been through a several day outage. Yes, I have used a generator without a transfer switch. But I did it SAFELY. I removed the circuit from the panel and wired it to the generator. Totally bypassing the service. Was it "legal"? No. Was it safe? I say yes since I had to reverse my work to go back on line, and NO male-to-male cords were used.

No one here is "holier-than-thou" regarding this topic. No one here has any monetary gain by expressing their opinions on these boards. We are preaching to the choir.
We offer these options to our customers and tell them the benefits of doing it the right and SAFE way. We cannot make anyone do it our way. We hope our customers have the brains to at least do it safely.

From the tone of your post you seem to think this guys has a good cheap emergency solution to an expensive dilema. Do you think ANY male-to-male cord is safe???

Speedy Petey

"Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new." -Albert Einstein