SDS Max is becomming much more popular than spline. I can see it becomming the standard not too far in the future.

I have a Makita 4000(?) rotary hammer and I LOVE it. Extremely well made. As nice or nicer than the many Bosch drills I have used in the past.

I personally think Hilti is ridiculously over priced. Real nice and well made but come on. Maybe the big commercial and/or union shops can afford them, but not lil' ol' me.
And I have seen failures with them as well. I have a small Hilti 1/2" hammer drill. The armature went on it. I priced a replacement and it was more than a whole new drill from a comparable mannufacturer.

Speedy Petey

"Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new." -Albert Einstein