Being weak on interpersonal skills is not that rare with technically minded people. Of course, we all have to work for a boss, and all bosses are persons. How much of a raise you'll get is greatly dependent on what the boss *thinks* you are doing, not what you are in reality are doing. [Linked Image] "Office Politics" (which is not confined to offices, any worksite qualifies) is something not explicitly taught in school. I don't mean the cut throat back stabbing dirty tricks kind of politics, what I mean would be the everyday give and take, lending a hand, avoiding embarrising the boss in front of the crew or customer (even when you know it's clear that he screwed up (unless a risk to life would occur)). A book I got years ago
"Office Politics" by IIRC Marlyin Moats Kennedy was pretty good. I've also seen for sale "Office Politics for dummies" but I haven't read it so I cant say if it's good or not.