Great note about cleaning off the top of the panel i'll have to remember that.
peeps are always setting stuff ontop of them

a couple of years ago during a retro fit of a building
where the manufacturer in the building was still occupying one small space, I was installing some new conduits, and was working around some old dead conduits, that the previous day, some of my colleagues had taken out. I was mounting a box to a beam, I was standing on top of a 12-foot ladder (I know, bad) - the next thing I know - I'm locked up - I was thinking to myself - "who's screaming like a little girl?" I remember my life flashing before my eyes - then the ladder kicked and I dropped to the floor. Just then, a carpenter walked by and chuckled "haha - you fell off your ladder". If I could've gotten up - I would've punched his lights out. The power burned a whole in my neck and out my thumb where I was holding the box. Upon closer inspection of what had happened, there was an octogon box with a cover on it in a 1/2" pipe connector with three live 277 wires not taped where one of my colleagues had just snipped them off. They never admitted who had done this because they saw the anger in my eyes. That's why I always carry one of those stupid little tracers - to see if there's juice anywhere around me.