OT, but to touch on a recent post about 'getting your hands dirty', here's a non-electrical but 'green' vehicle solution, running with my favorite stuff- wood! Which we have a lot of in France and the US, I'm told. All intrinsically untaxable!

So, Back to the Future, Forward to the Past with Georges Imbert's [1922] and very efficient 'Gazogene' wood gas generator, which ran most of the private cars, tractors and trucks during WWII in occupied France.

Chevriolet truck: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_BkqyyW70dQ

Citroen traction avant: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_d7Xb3L5Jo&NR=1

At back, the generator. Up front, the gas filter and chiller. On top, the spare fuel laugh. BTW, the filter was wine corks. When it got dirty, you burned it for fuel!

Last edited by Alan Belson; 08/05/11 06:50 PM. Reason: spelling, typos

Wood work but can't!