I had a young family get a magnetic field survey in their old house wired in K&T. A method that promoted magnetic fields. The neutral and hots could be widely separated.
Once they knew the wiring method was the cause they decided to rewire the entire house. Even though a modern Loomex job will eliminate many of those fields they decided to go to the next level and wire with BX as well as relocate the service to an area away from bedrooms.
I recall in my inspection that the young woman was wearing a magnetic mineral bracelet Haematite? I asked her if she wore it for therapeutic reasons to which she said magnets can offer many therapeutic benefits. Now I know an AC field is not a fixed magnetic field but this opened the door for a little fun so I asked her why then they were spending an extra thousand or two to prevent magnetic fields in their house.
I left about that time and just recall the puzzled look on her face as she tried to process the apparent contradiction.
As an aside, the contractor had done just about the neatest job I had ever seen of their work so the customer definitely got a good job.