Not to beat a dead horse ....

I have just come from an industrial panel that has just recently been re-labled. The work was done by a team of professionals, including engineers and technicians. It is considered by all to be both current and clear. Here are some of the lables:

1,3,5: Kusakabe

8,10,12: Nakata

7,9,11: Elva

13,15,19: Pillar

14,16,18: PMC

I think you get the drift; they have labled the breakers according to the brand names of the equipment they serve.

I suppose that if you have ever worked in a pipe factory the lables make perfect sense ... but I doubt that they mean anything to anyone else. Yet, I have trouble with claims that these lables are in any way in 'violation,' thugh one might concievably some day replace one of those multi-million dollar machines with a machine made by someone else (or that corportions might change their names).

"Transient" or not, I think they're good lables.