This is definitely a scenario which needs to be verified with the Building Department (any AHJ involved).

Basically, since the existing Panelboards are now Junction Boxes; the need to examine, adjust, service or maintain the Live Circuitry inside is not likely - as compared to a Panelboard, etc.
This, by its self, is open to wide interpretations!

So if the existing "Panelboards-Now Junction Boxes" must comply with 110.26, this will be "Condition 2" - since the ADA Lift assembly is mounted in front of the Junction Boxes.
Condition 2 places 36" minimum between the opening of the J-Box Panelboards, and the closest edge of the ADA Lift.

If the scenario must comply per 110.26 - condition 2, Pullboxes or Wireway Sections mounted above the ADA Lift (or above ceiling, over to a side of the lift, etc.) might be the next best option.


Scott " 35 " Thompson
Just Say NO To Green Eggs And Ham!