well i haven't written myself a check in over a month, and the majority of calls here are either from collection , or debt cosolodation agencies wanting to know if they can do biz for me

i'm also owed more than anytime in my tenure being a biz man, nothing like having to work for other businesses that are going down the drain

sadder still, are all the calls from apprentices with 'less than 1000 hours to go' here. I really wish i could tell them something other than hang in there

i'd go back to doing some shift work in ems at this point, but one look at me says 'over the hill' , and given there's so many younger (1/2 my age) go-getters that'll run circles around me, why bother.....

i've put together flyers , new cards, a web site with monthly suggestions (nice spam, if you will) and shaken more hands in the last year than a local politician

so yeah, any suggestions are more than welcome
