Norm always stresses saftey.

He does, that's true. Don't get me wrong, I rate that show as one of the best ever made in its genre. Why he has never fitted a guard/river [splitter] to his tablesaw is beyong me, for it adds little to camera visibility or curtailed working freedom. When the inexperienced see him cutting board or timber without one and getting away with it, they must surely think that they can too, depite the disclaimers? But the fact is, if you do just that on a regular basis, eventually you WILL get a high velocity plank, [ at 110 mph, so don't think you'll have the time to duck!], hit you in the face or over the head.
Watch this:

The cause of in-excess of 30,000 sawbench accidents every year in the US alone. Don't be one of them!

Wood work but can't!