We are in a marketing hype world and penis enlargement adds have reached late night television. Still snake oil but the TV adds are working as these companies sell a lot of those pills. If it actually worked we would buy this stuff from Pfizer or Roche or some other legitimate drug company.
I do believe that AFCI breakers work and that they can finally protect from series arcs which is usually the exact mechanism for fire causation. A hot connection is a series resistance that has to become a series arc to get hot enough to start a fire. A too tight staple can cause enough insulation damage that a parallel arc can form. AFCI breakers do that job. I appreciate Reno's conspiracy theory and to a point I agree that a lot of the crap we get is just Hype. I am on the fence about climate change and am enjoying the warmest January on record here in the north west. The key is "ON record". We don't have climatic records spanning thousands of years. Clearly the span of a human life is too short to make long term observations of things that happen on a geological scale. Regardless of the tree huggers embracing every nut position there is measurable proof that there is more CO2 in the air than at any time over the last 100 thousand years. There is proof the rate of increase corresponds to the industrial age. OK, but does any of it prove climate change? Well I guess that is the debate. The big word of caution is if the tree huggers are right we might never react in time to affect the oncoming warm period. I have no children so my personal stake in that discussion is almost non germane. Unless it turns my home into a desert I can enjoy the rising thermometer and take a warm winter cruise in the Arctic sea for my 80th birthday. The fact that California has burned to the ground and I can't get any cheap produce might affect my life but hey maybe they will start growing oranges in Manitoba and go to war with the US when it comes for our water.
I guess this isn't an electrical discussion anymore is it?
Back on topic. I believe AFCI breakers work and if I could I would replace the branch breakers to All AFCI, except I need to also change the panel to allow for 22 wide breakers instead of narrow FPE ones I have installed.