My biggest problem with Architects is when they foolishly try to impress me with their poor grasp of electrical code. Please Mr. Architect, I know which receptacles need to be GFI protected. I laughed out loud in an Architect's face last year when every fixture was called a "Luminairie". Recently I've noticed a trend of calling the Master Bedroom the "Master's Bedroom". This is creepy on many levels.

I have made a career out of wiring high end custom homes and and the caliber of Architects in this industry is appalling. These near-do-wells have just recently discovered AFCI circuits and now they must call out every AFCI outlet in the house, it's so annoying, they are so convinced their code knowledge is superior to mine, I never miss an opportunity to embarrass one in front of the customer.

I was walking a job with one I call "Little Lord Faultleroy", a polished dandy with a brain as small as his bank account is large. He wanted Halo fluorescent cans with 100 watt lamps. Even had it on the plans. I informed this well coiffed clod that there was no such thing. He said he knew more about lighting than I did and that he would produce a catalog cut for me. I wound up installing 26 watt lamps, he never responded to request for the cuts...

I have never, in 30 years in construction, met an Architect that was not a poser or an outright impostor.

Last edited by RH1; 01/03/10 09:12 PM.