Rule 4-010(2) states "Flexible cord shall be permitted to be used for"... "(c) pendants".

"Pendant" isn't defined in Section 0, but in the dictionary it is defined as anything hanging. I've seen hanging lights (usually incandescent) wired in flexible cord and hanging receptacles. Some fluorescent fixtures come with a flexible cord whip and some come with SOW connectors.

I'm thinking that flexible cord is permitted for hanging fixtures, including fluorescent fixtures.

AC90, which is the way I've been wiring hanging fluorescent fixtures, has different rules. Rule 12-610 provides that AC90 shall be supported in accordance with Rule 12-510. It must be supported within 300mm of a box and every 1.5m through the run.

The AC90 is usually attached to the chain with tywraps. Tywraps are not an acceptable support. Nor is a chain a substantial structure for a support.

I can't wire a pendant (hanging) fixture with AC90 and meet code. It's allowed just because that's the way it's always been done. The same isn't true with flexible cord. The code actually permits using flexible cord to wire anything pendant.

Have I been doing this wrong? How are these issues dealt with in other areas?