On another forum, a homeowner was having some problems with the AFCI circuits in his home. I decided to try to help him find the problem ....

My desire was frustrated by others who had several, uh, interesting 'solutions.' Everyone seemed to dislike my general 'stop guessing and get methodical' approach. The icing on the cake, though, was this post:

"No, have no documentation. But then I've never actually seen an AFCI, except in the store."

It's too bad that we all face this sort of thing on a regular basis .... trying to do our jobs, while being second-guessed by folks who really ought to do something else. Too often, we get called in to clean up their messes.

That particular post came from an .... well, I don't want to single out one profession. Suffice it to say the gentleman is laboring under the handicap of a college education, and working in a fiels where everyone seems to become an instant expert the moment they first hear of something. No, he doesn't drive a train. wink

Apart from letting me vent .... a valuable service of ECN laugh ..... this thread ought to remind us all of some of the absolute silliness out there .... especially on the internet.

What's the silliest thing you've heard, put forth by some supposed expert?