It's all about risk mitigation, and US codes are very conservative. Makes for some very tough decisions and a paradigm shift from what we're used to here in the states.

Originally Posted by wa2ise

Any inspectors here up for a road trip? smile
Don't give my bosses any bright ideas! The real problem isn't even inspections- it's just too widespread, the problem is far beyond that at this point. The real root of the problem is the lack of qualified personnel to do these installations in the first place. The contractors are grabbing locals off the street for a dollar or two a day who don't even know what an electron is, letalone proper protection and grounding. Picture the worst DIY job you have ever seen... EVERYWHERE! Any of ya'll up for a tour in Iraq to redo it all right? Air conditioned tents aren't all that bad, really! And you'd at least have the right equipment to test the shower before stepping in, right?

BTW, my Dell laptop apparently works just fine at 100V 50Hz.