Wow, the side effects that this subject broaches didn't sink-in at the start of this thread!
The area I live in had local grid issues, and it seems the state had to jump up & down to have improvements made. We had a major fail on the barrier island over a holiday weekend that created major financial issues to the tourist industry. That was corrected, another transmission line installed, and additional (local) trans work is being done.

Situations of resi additions, and conversions of what were 'summer homes' to year round residences, with a lot of toys added demand to the local transmission and secondary lines, and one hot day....transformer failure.

Solutions? Upgrade the grid? Upgrade local sub-stations? Upgrade local primary and secondary systems? Sure! It should happen; but when? and who picks up the tab? Higher electric rates are coming here, along with natural gas, propane, and ALL other fuels or forms of energy.
