Originally posted by smokey:
i recently went on a job with a fellow electrician who did not pull an equipment ground through emt that fed some building signs i suggested that we pull a ground to ground our boxes etc. i know that we are not required by code to pull a ground through emt. but i still wanted to pull one just to be safe. i mean what if one of the fittings came loose ? we would lose our ground.i let him talk me out of pulling a groun. what would u guys have done???

I agree, especially in emt, even with compression fittings. I just reviewed a ground fault test I read about in Soares Book on grounding, and in their test they used 2 1/2" rigid made up wrench tite and even after many test the couplings still gave off a shower of sparks, there recommendation was to pull an extra grounding conductor and bond it to the conduit as often as practicable.