My personal experience regarding the sexism issue: it also largely depends on looks and attitude. A female with 1/2" haircut who starts on the job by telling crude jokes will have a different standing as one with hip lenght blonde hair and tiny voice acting like a soap opera actor.

I had 2 years of Technical school which is, while ending with a diploma unlike an apprenticeship, socially only a small step above trade work. I experienced both kinds of girls and they both survived - to some extent. I think the more robust ones had an easier life in general.

To be honest, the intellectual niveau can be annoying to a guy as well... I'm going to quit my job this summer because I just don't want to spend all my time with people who only have 3 small talk subjects (sex, drinking and role play computer games where they kill as many enemies as possible) any more.

It's mostly a question of personal attitude I guess.