You telling me the panels will not work at night? What if I used a flash light I plugged into the array before sunset? smile

My message was a little long. I mentioned that that 6 billion mini arrays were tied together around the world. In every back yard from the north to the south and in each and every time zone. It is a pipe dream but is is not all that unrealistic. the panels that are manufactured today are around 20% efficient. Just a few months ago, some lab sucessfully tested a cell that was 40% efficient. Although it will be a few years before you see it on the market but that would reduce the array down to 75 square feet or 5 panels the size of todays 125 watt panels per person on the planet.

They can all be tied in the existing grids and the grids around the world can be tide together with up and coming super conductors. The voltages and the freqs can be converted as needed.

Its doable when the technology becomes a reality. It doesn't hurt to dream. High temeperture superconductors are currently are being used in Detroit Michigan, Aurbany New York, and Copenhagen Denmark. They apparently working pretty good. as the cost comes down, It can become more viable. There is a few logistical (global) matters workout. Remote and desert areas can house large arrays instead instead in the pole regions (wind turbines or hydro) and Europe would have sort of have a problem at night since the sun is over the Pacific then.

All it would take is everyone in the world to work together, trillions of dollars for developement, trillion of more dollars to build it. Think about it.

"Live Awesome!" - Kevin Carosa