Hey guys,

I was talking with my dad tonight about how the NEC says cable and phone cannot be attached to a sevice-mast, be it conduit or wood. We both had the same question: Why? Why can't cable or phone attach to the electric mast?

IF anyone's going to say "the cable guy's too lazy to put up his own..." first realize that the cable or phone companies are too cheap to do anything like that.

My dad tells me how he has to rehang drops at night and his supervisor telling him "don't attach to the electric mast." His favorite reply is "then give me a piece of 2X4, nuts and bolts and a hook or this drop's going to be 8feet across the highway." Usually he winds up back there 2 weeks later after the garbage truck goes.

Thanks guys,
Ian A.

Is there anyone on board who knows how to fly a plane?