I ran a quick estimate on your take-off, and came up with about 48 hours and $500 (cost) in material.

IFthis were a straight up job, you might do well for $3,000 to $3,500. But, this is a remodel/addition and you are dealing with a home owner, so the 48 hour estimate may not even touch it.

All an estimate is ever supposed to be is an educated guess of how much you are willing to do that job for. If you have lots of work and would have to take it on overtime then bid it on over time, but if you don’t have any work and are willing to take it at cost then bid it at cost. Both prices are the right price, and the other guy probably really needed it or was no experienced enough to know better, either way that was his right price, not yours.

Don’t get caught up in one estimate, do 10 or 20 then start looking for patterns and trends, but if you can’t get any work then take a hard look at what you bidding and lower accordingly. Also keep in mind the most important estimates to analyze are the ones where you get the job, not the ones you lost.

101° Rx = + /_\