Hey guys. I have a way that works great for me, tell me what ya think. Better terminology input would be helpful if given.

I have whats called diagnostic fees (usually under $100) This includes show-up gas and a plug tester (not meter) and visual inspection of breakers to see if they are in trip mode. This covers nothing else.

Then I have what I call pre-troubleshooting tasks that range from $185-$333.15. This option tests both ends of the circuit with meter and total visual inspection of circuit. This visual inspection only counts for accessable locations, this means no opening of anything other than beginning or end of circuit (sometimes I use the plug that was used at the time as "the end"). Attics are only visually checked from hatch and same with crawlspaces.This sometimes just tells me what I am getting into. And alot of the times finds the problem.This and all other troubleshooting does not fix problem and the customer is told this prior to the signing of pre-troubleshooting tasks.

Finally there is Major Troubleshooting which involves finding the problem no matter what it takes. and since I now know the circuit so well I can give a good up front price to Mrs. Jones which usually ranges from $680- $1484. Sounds like alot of stuff to go through but I make a good amount of money this way and the break down makes for no arguments with customers.

Oh and I almost forgot when going from one task to another the previous task amount is waived (they dont pay for pre task and major)they only pay one fee and diagnostic is waived depending on location and time of call.

[This message has been edited by electrictim510 (edited 10-27-2006).]