That doesn't sound like a very good start to any new job.
My first question would be, why on earth is a senior technician working on equipment live in the first place?.
Next question would be, what caused the arc-blast to happen?, was it an un-insulated tool dropped into a live bus system or the like?.

It sounds to me that there was very little PPE worn by the new fella, why is this?.
If you want to instill an environment of safety in a new hire, you give them all the PPE they require as they walk in the door.
That has been the way that any company that I have ever worked for has done things.

Workplace safety is not a set of rules and regulations, it is a mind-set, if you don't have that culture instilled into people you are wasting your time pretty much.

What sort of experience do you have in this area (ie Safety tuition)?.
With regards to the 1st responder having no CPR experience, that has IMO been caused by management hiring the wrong person.
I mean good lord, any idiot knows that if you are required to respond to an emergency, some sort of actual training is important.

If you have any questions or anything, please by all means, ask away, this is what this area is for.

BTW, Welcome to ECN, mate.
Mike. [Linked Image]