Part of my excercise is basketball. I was playing basketball (a game called lightning) end of January of this year with my son and others less than half my age (12-18 years old), when I went up for a jump shot.

It felt like someone on the way up took an axe to the back of my leg, tore my achilles tendon in two more or less horizontally. I have only been out of a cast for 5 weeks now after surgery and am healing quickly. I am even back to mowing lawn and jumping, though weakly on my bad leg, with physical therapy.

I believe that my healing process is going well and quickly because of excercise before hand (and being blessed). I have yet to get back to running stairs with my youngest son on my shoulders, but that will come shortly. I believe that all will heal well and I will be back for the ballet performances this fall.

Health is important, but like everything it should be balanced with other pursuits. Community service is one that often gets forgotten. Doing things for your neighbors is possibly the best way to improve your mental health.