Pic 1: Bryant panel, notice that the proper feeders are disconnected and two diferent wires are connected, running through the DRYER VENT, story goes, meth heads get their power disconected by POCO, so they steal some wire from a nearby construction site, climb tree, and attach wires to neighbors drop, then run wires across roof, down the side of the building and in through the dryer vent. Fortunately the neighbor saw this and called the fire department.

Pic 2: Same wires cut off, entering via dryer vent on outside of house.

Pic 3: Old range cable, spliced to feed for the garage, note both the open, bare copper splice, and the PVC drain pipe used as a raceway.

Pic 4: outside of building, note that the water pipe is now ABS drain pipe, buried maybe a couple inches deep.

Pic 5: Entering the Garage, now in EMT, with ABS for couplings, note that this enters RIGHT at ground level.

Pic 6: Diferent pic, same feeder.

Pic 7: Same feeder, bad splice in flying box, notice the water damage on the roof.

Pic 8: And here's what it feeds.

Pic 9: General bad wiring, unsuported romex etc.

Pic 10: More plumbing pipe, attached to PE cell. No support of course.

Pic 11: Romex, run outside in wet location, to emt with no protection.

Pic 12: Fortunately cut drop, the triplex will soon have a nice new service, with a new 4-pack meter base, and four new panels (three living units + house panel.) I'll send in pictures of the re-done wiring.

(I may edit some of these, as I didn't take the pictures and I may have mis-recalled some things)