Well, I suppose I ought to explain some about this install.

First of all, the fryer cords connect outside of the hood. This means that they will NOT be turned off when the Ansul system is operated.

The immediate problem, though, is the presence of the cord connections and GFI unit just above the fryers. When food is placed in the fryer, a great deal of moisture / oil enters the air. This will then condense on anything in it's path that is cooler. TRhat would include "cold" electrical connections.

Condensing moisture would allow current to leak across the face of the plug, to both the neutral and ground prongs. The GFI would see this, and trip.

Simply re-locating the connection outside of the condensation area eliminated the problem. (Of course, this was done without using extension cords, etc.)

None of the electric has been tied into the Ansul as yet; a bid has been submitted.