The main in here is original CH equiptment.. I've replaced these panels a few times before due to BBQ'd main breakers (Both this style & the style with the long breaker that backfeeds into the bus)
Youre close! 1957....
I'm personally not too crazy about these CH panels... I've replaced quite a few, always due to the main breaker, or something closely associated to it (like the lugs) burning up bigtime! One instance the wires between the meter & the main burned a hole in the can! (Customer said the Poco xfmr on the pole in the backyard was putting smoke off during this also!)

There are also people who like these as well.. & there are some good points (Copper bus for one) & I have yet to see one of these newer than 30 years old.. So I can't comment if there's a newer design either...
