This looks like some shantytown or trailer park on the far edges of town...where someone probably (illegally) tapped a nearby utility pole.

I bet you see this a lot in shantytowns and trailer parks in the USA (there HAVE to be such things in this country also)

Major cities (with professionally installed wiring) don't have this kind of thing.

Sure individual houses (not shacks) may have jury-rigged wiring, but the utility poles are probably about what you will see here in the USA.

Here in New York in some of the more outlying neighborhoods where the wiring is strung up on poles, I sometimes see questionable things ....cut zip cord(??)dangling from the pole, sometimes big fat cables bunched up and left dangling in knots and loops - even places where traffic lights are HANGING from their cable, after they've been ripped off the pole.

Then there are missing poles with the base just lying exposed and all the wires trailing along the sidewalk.