Received from Richard Wehrmeister via e-mail:

For some reason I couldn't post so I sent to you.
I can see the frustration. I would have thought at the very least the State of CA. would have accepted the IBEW guy's who have paid their dues. What really takes the cake is an electrician that put in hours under a CA. C-10 license could use those hours as proof of hours in the industry here in Texas during the grandfathering period only. This is my understanding, however I have been wrong before. If my understanding is correct, an applicate in Texas under these circumstances could become licensed because of the C-10 hours with out taking a test, yet if he works in Calif. he would be required to be tested None of this make sense.

What this country needs is a nation wide program so that a licensed electrician can work in any state. Right now Texas and Louisiana have reciprocating agreements.