the people running this stuff in san francisco are so confused themselves. my school was approved last year, and for some reason this year it expired. i couldnt get an answer from them about what happened. i have sent in my $25 and completed trainee registration. they rejected my application and cashed my check. i called them and asked them why my check was cashed if my app. wasn't approved. lady said it just the way it works and i couldnt get a positive answer. now, i have to send them a letter to get a refund. that lady got me so pissed off, and i had to hang up on her.

they have a local junior college that is on the approved list. i called about the program and all they offer is electrical theory. the guy i was talking to even said they arent geared for electrician training, just electricial understanding and basic of electrical.

so much B.S.!!!

[This message has been edited by kojunho (edited 07-21-2006).]