You can't have the POCO pull the cut-outs on a pole that may service one or more commercial building to remove/relocate a 200A meter or the like. Same thing with doing service entrance work in a Multiple Dwelling Unit - Apartment or the like.

I would say that shutting down service at the pole to 20 or so apartments or mixed use commercial to replace a main breaker or relocate a meter etc, is "infeasible due to equipment design or operational limitations"

Don't you mean "infeasible due to inconvenience"?
Let's up the ante here.
Instead of a mini-mart or 2, let's make it a couple of commercial / manufacturing places on the same 480/277 transformer.
Are you saying that an electrician should be expected to change out a 1000Amp Boltswitch Main while it's energized?
The thought that a couple of apartment dwellers might miss Oprah doesn't constitute a reason to relocate a meter while energized.